Local History
The Taylor County Public Library offers an extensive collection of genealogical and historical sources for Taylor and surrounding counties which are available during regular library hours. The materials are for library use only and may not be borrowed through Inter-library Loan. The collection includes but is not limited to: obituaries, census records, marriage records, cemetery readings, passenger and immigration lists, family histories, local newspapers, city directories, local school year books, military records and historical society newsletters as well as history of Taylor County and West Virginia.
Local Newspapers
The following newspapers are available on microfilm:
The Grafton Eagle - February 1, 1884 through May 8, 1885
The Grafton Sentinel Weekly - January 1, 1897 through May 3, 1901 May 3, 1906 through September 19, 1929
The Grafton Daily Sentinel - March 18, 1907 through April 1974
(Nov. 1921 missing)
The Grafton News - August 17, 1934 through August 16, 1935 September 14, 1934 through December 1935 1969 - 1971 1972
Newspaper and Research Requests
Due to time and staffing constraints, Library personnel cannot perform extensive research or photocopying projects. The local newspapers are not indexed. Therefore Library staff can only search for news articles when the exact date-of-publication is provided. The staff will search for a death notice or obituary. A complete date of death (MM/DD/YY) is required for this search. Searches will be done as time permits. Print and postage charges may apply.