Borrowing Guidelines
New Borrowers:
may check out 2 books at a time for the first 30 days to establish a new account.
must wait 30 days before checking out DVD's or Audio Books.
All Borrowers:
Borrowers must present their library card when checking out materials.
Borrowers may check out up to 20 items
with a limit of up to 4 audio books at one time
with a limit of up to 4 movies per family at one time
Items may be renewed up to 3 times if no one else has requested the material.
DVD's may be checked out on adult cards only.
Parents are responsible for items checked out by minor children and for the behavior of their children.
Materials must be returned in the same condition as when they were checked out.
Lost or damaged items, as well as fines, are the responsibility of the borrower.
Librarians reserve the right to impose restrictions when library privileges are abused.
Borrowers are expected to return all materials promptly.
Reference materials may not be checked out.
Reserve materials may require a deposit fee.